Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Text File
146 lines
; Pressing the Escape key will exit this screen saver. The value you place
; in the GoodPass Variable (next line) will be required to exit.
Variable GoodPass,20,'PowerBatch'
Variable CurrClr,3 ;curr color when we start
Variable Pass,20,''
Variable Work,80
Variable InChar,1
Variable Esc,1,#27
Variable Lgth,2 ;string length
Variable OffSet,2 ;offset within the box
Variable Spec,1 ;tells us if we time out
Variable XLoc,2 ;left X
Variable YLoc,2 ;upper Y
Variable X2Loc,2 ;right X
Variable Y2Loc,2 ;lower Y
Variable WinUX,2 ;window upper x
Variable WinUY,2 ;window upper y
Variable WinLX,2 ;lower x
Variable WinLY,2 ;lower y
Variable PassX,2
Variable PassY,2
Variable WXLoc,2 ;work
Variable WYLoc,2
Variable XAdjust,2
Variable Clr,3,224
Variable Normal,1,1
Variable Off,1,2
Variable Months,108,'January February March April May June July August SeptemberOctober November December '
Variable CurrMonth,9
Variable HLine,40,'├──────────────────────────────────────┤'
Variable Secs,2
Variable CurrTime,11
Variable Month,2
Variable Day,2
Variable Year,4
Variable MsgName,27,''
Variable Msg,255,'Enter your name and a brief message..'
?Color Work,Work,CurrClr ;get curr sys color
EnhanClr 1 ;enhanced colors on
Label WaitLoop
Window0 1,1,80,25
SetVar Secs,0 ;init our counter
Cursor Off ;turn cursor off
Random 39,XLoc ;get a random X
Add XLoc,1 ;cant be zero
SetVar X2Loc,XLoc ;calculate box right side
Add X2Loc,39
SetVar WinUX,XLoc ;for our msg window
Add WinUX,1
SetVar PassX,XLoc ;for password?
Add PassX,1
Random 11,YLoc ;get a random Y
Add YLoc,1 ;cant be zero
SetVar Y2Loc,YLoc ;calculate box bottom
Add Y2Loc,12
SetVar WinUY,YLoc ;for our msg window
Add WinUY,6
SetVar PassY,Y2Loc ;for password?
Subtract PassY,1
SetVar WinLX,X2Loc
Subtract WinLX,2
SetVar WinLY,Y2Loc
Subtract WinLY,2
?Date Work,Month,Day,Year ;get the date
Subtract Month,1 ;use it as an offset in our tbl
Multiply Month,9 ;each entry is 9 long
Compare Month,0,MonthOK ;first entry is 1
Add Month,1
Label MonthOK
Add Month,1
MidString CurrMonth,Months,Month,9 ;get the name from the table
Trim CurrMonth ;trim the trailing spaces
Concat Work,CurrMonth,' ',Day,', ',Year ;pretty up the date
Clear 0
Color Clr
Box1 XLoc,YLoc,X2Loc,Y2Loc,Clr ;draw our box
SetVar WYLoc,YLoc
Add WYLoc,3
WriteAt XLoc,WYLoc,HLine,Clr
Add WYLoc,2
WriteAt XLoc,WYLoc,HLine,Clr
SetVar WXLoc,XLoc
Add WXLoc,15
WriteAt WXLoc,WYLoc,'┤Message├'
Subtract WYLoc,1
Subtract WXLoc,14
WriteAt WXLoc,WYLoc,'Your Name '
Write ' ',180
Add WXLoc,10
WriteAt WXLoc,WYLoc,MsgName,184
Subtract WXLoc,10
Window0 WinUX,WinUY,WinLX,WinLY
Write Msg
Window0 1,1,80,25
SetVar WYLoc,YLoc
Add WYLoc,1
WriteAt WXLoc,WYLoc,' Leave Me A Message ',20
Add WYLoc,1
WriteAt WXLoc,WYLoc,Work ;date
SetVar WXLoc,XLoc
Add WXLoc,10
WriteAt WXLoc,Y2Loc,' PowerBatch Ver 2.2 ' ;write our first line
SetVar WXLoc,XLoc
SetVar WYLoc,YLoc
Add WYLoc,2 ;adjust Y for the next line
Add WXLoc,1 ;calculate location for date
WriteAt WXLoc,WYLoc,Work ;write date since it may change
SetVar WXLoc,X2Loc
Subtract WXLoc,11
Add XLoc,11
Add YLoc,4
Label TimeLoop ;get the time each loop
?Time CurrTime ;update time
WriteAt WXLoc,WYLoc,CurrTime
GoToXY XLoc,YLoc
Color 180
Cursor Normal
ReadKey InChar,Spec,1
Compare InChar,'',TakeMsg ;key entered?
Color Clr
Add Secs,1 ;no key
Compare Secs,10,WaitLoop,TimeLoop,WaitLoop ;big loop or small loop
Label TakeMsg
Compare InChar,Esc,,,End
SetVar Msg,''
ReadStr MsgName
Color Clr
Concat MsgName,InChar,MsgName
Window0 WinUX,WinUY,WinLX,WinLY
ReadStr Msg
GoTo WaitLoop
Label End
Color Clr
WriteAt PassX,PassY,'PassWord:'
ReadStr Pass
Compare Pass,GoodPass,WaitLoop,WaitLoop
Color CurrClr ;restore colors
EnhanClr 0 ;set regular colors
Clear CurrClr ;and clear the screen